Hold’em poker by Evolution Gaming is a variant of the popular Texas Hold’em Poker. On this table, you play against the dealer instead of playing against other players. Obviously there is no limited number of players on this table, as all players are betting on a unique shared hand.
You have to beat the dealer by getting a better 5-cards combination, combining your 2 cards and the 5 cards on the board, in the middle of the table. Hold’Em Poker is played with a 52 cards deck that is shuffled every round. Jokers are out of the game.
The dealer draws two cards face up to you and two cards face down to him.
Then he draws a card face-up in the middle of the table three times, these are common for you and the dealer.
Then, you must choose between folding (giving up the bet) because you don’t trust your cards are interesting, or drawing two more cards (turn & river) face up in the middle of the table by betting twice your initial bet.If the dealer wins, your ante, bonus bet and doubled bet are void. When you win, and the dealer is not qualified your first stake is doubled and your second is refunded. On the other hand, if you win and the dealer is qualified, both your ante & doubled bet are doubled.
Ultimately, if the game is a tie, you are refunded.
Royal Flush is a Straight flush that contains the Ace, King, Queen, Jack & 10 of the same suit. In the case of a tie, the player gets their initial bet back and the outcome of the game is a PUSH.
Pays 100 to 1 with an Ante bet and 100 to 1 with a Bonus bet.
A Straight Flush contains five cards in sequence, all of the same suit, for example : Nine, Eight, Seven, Six and Five, all Hearts. Two Straight flushes are ranked by comparing the highest card of each. In the case of a tie, the player gets their initial bet back and the outcome of the game is a push. Pays 20 to 1 with an Ante bet and 50 to 1 with a Bonus Bet.
A Four of a Kind is a hand that contains all four cards of similar value plus any other card. For example, four Aces or four Sevens in your hand would be a Four of a Kind. Quads with higher ranking cards defeat those with lower ranking cards. If two Four of a Kind are of equal rank, the fifth card (the “Kicker”) is used to break the tie. In the case of a tie, the player gets their initial bet back and the outcome of the game is a PUSH. Pays 10 to 1 with an Ante bet and 40 to one with a Bonus bet.
A Full house is composed of three matching cards of one rank and two matching cards of another rank. For example : three Kings and two Sixes. Between two Full house hands, the one with the higher three cards wins. In the case of the three cards being of the same value in Full house (and therefore tied), the two cards of the same value are ranked against each other. In the case of a tie, the player gets their initial bet back and the outcome of the game is a PUSH. Pays 3 to 1 with an Ante bet and 30 to 1 with a Bonus Bet.
A Flush is a hand where all five cards are of the same suit, but not sequential. For example; five cards that are all Clubs. Two flushes are compared as if they were high card hands; the highest ranking card in each hand is compared to determine the winner. if both hands have the same highest card, then the second-highest ranking card is compared, and so on until a difference is found. Pays 2 to 1 with an Ante bet and 20 to 1 with a Bonus bet.
A Straight is a hand that contains five cards of sequential rank in at least two different suits. For example; Nine, Eight, Seven, Six and Five in two or more suits. Two Straights are ranked by comparing the highest card in each hand. Two Straights with the same high card are of equal value and therefore tie, as suits are not used to separate them. Pays 1 to 1 with an Ante bet and 7 to 1 with a Bonus Bet.
A Three of a Kind is a hand that contains three cards of the same rank, plus two cards which are not of this rank or the same as each other. For example, a player having three Kings in their hand would have a Three of a Kind. Higher-valued Three of a Kind defeats lower-valued Three of a Kind. If two hands contain Three of a Kind of the same value, the Kickers (that is the other two cards in the hand) are compared to break the tie. Pays 1 to 1 with an Ante bet and 7 to 1 with a Bonus Bet.
A Two pairs is a hand that contains two cards of the same rank, plus two cards of another rank (that match each other but not the first pair), plus any card not of either rank. An example of this would be having two Aces and two Kings. To rank two hands both containing two Pairs, the higher ranking pair of each is first compared, and the higher pair wins. If both hands have the same two pairs, the highest value Kicker determines the winner.Pays 1 to 1 with an Ante bet and 7 to 1 with a Bonus Bet.
Pair is a hand that contains two cards of one rank (Two kings or else), plus three cards which are not of this rank or the same as each other. Pair is the lowest hand you can be paid out for. Higher ranking pairs defeat lower ranking pairs. If two hands have the same pair, the Kickers are compared in descending order and the highest value Kicker determines the winner.Pays 1 to 1 with an Ante bet and 7 to 1 with a Bonus Bet.
High Card is a poker hand made of any five cards not meeting any of the above requirements. Essentially, no hand is made, and the only thing any meaning in the player’s hand is their highest card. If two hands have the same High Card value, the other cards in the hand are compared in descending order to determine the winner. If two hands have the same High Card value, the other cards in the hand are compared in descending order to determine the winner. Pays 1 to 1 with an Ante bet and 7 to 1 with a Bonus Bet.